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Friday, September 25, 2009

best sgt masa ni...beriadah men futsal ni frenzy futsal
bertempat di shah alam seksyen15..
ramai yg dtg memeriahkan game mlm aktvt ms bulan pose ritu..
bln pose pn xkisah..dorg semangat jgk.. lgpn men ms tu mlm..
yg ade mlm tu kalau nk list mmg boleh penuh screen ni..
juz tgk la pic yg ade..myb muka korg ade..hahaha..
tp pic ade yg x jelas sgt..huhu..
harap maaf la ye d ats kesulitan yg d alami..
tp boleh d rumuskan kn mlm tu de dr sel7, sel5, sel13, n semestinye kl13..
game pn x terbilang mlm tu..bpe kali pusingan pn xtau..hihi..
dtg seawal 11 mlm smp 2pg..
mmg dorg men habis2an la mlm tu..

acai n mad


sincan n ........? sori xigt..

abg mie n kak lina n .....?

dak sel5 ni.. sori x tau id pe..

sincan n .......

x jelas..besar kn jela mate korg ek..

x bpe jelas jugak..

tina n muzz

fiqa-sakura-lil-spark ye ke?

sel5 in da house..

muzz n dol..


hot-kobis n ....

hot n kobis lg..

thanks pd yg dtg..mmg meriah la ms tu..
mata pn da ngntuk sbb men smp kul2 pg..
pastu sme bersurai..blk umh masing2 n tdo..
end of story..

s4l4m 41d1lf1tr1..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

s3l4m4t m3ny4mbUt bUl4n r4m4d4n 4l-mub4r4k

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Saya mewakili kL-th1rt3en memohon maaf jika ada terkasar bahasa, kelakuan atau telah mengguriskan perasaan mana2 pihak dan halalkanlah apa yang termakan dan terminum..
malaikat Jibril menjelang Ramadhan," Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad,apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:
1.Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada);
2.Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri;
3.Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya.

Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amiin sebanyak 3 kali. Dapatkah kita bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah Rasullullah dan para sahabat,dan dilakukan pada hari Jumaat.
Sempena tibanya bulan Ramadhan ini saya terlebih dahulu memoho
n maaf jika ada berbuat kesalahan,baik yang tidak di sengaja mahupun yang di sengaja,semoga kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan khusyuk,diberkati dan dirahmati Allah S.W.T, insyaallah.
Saya juga memohon dihalalkan semuanya.

tH3 s4dn3sS..

empty.. it is not like previous.. da jadi balik mcm bilik mayat.. everytime i enter the room..the room is empty with nobody.. it is not the same.. where is everybody?
sekarang ni x kira malam ke siang..da macam dalam kubo..da xde semangat da room ni..xde ke sape2 nk meriah kan balik.. huhuhu..
setiap orang ade urusan dorg masing2..xboleh nk marah kenapa room dah x macam dulu..ramai yg join tp sme nyelam..history might repeated!!
trust me..

Monday, June 22, 2009

h4ppY b1rtHd4y l1n4lbb......!!!

birthday girl hari ni ialah linalbb...hihihi..katenye always sweet-17.hahaha...
anyway..all the best to u.happy always with your family n frenz...
hope all your dream will come true..
hurm..elok2 linalbb je bru smp malaysia pg ni.dr beijing tu..hihi..bestnyer..
dgrnye best shopping..
igt ke x hadiah tuk kl13?sme tggu je ni..hahaha..

Saturday, June 6, 2009

h4ppY b1rtHd4y 0r3n......!!!


kl-th1rt3en wishing u hepi birthday to u freshoren66(oren)...!!
good luck in ur study..jgn asyik nk men game dlu..hehehe...
wishing u the happiest of birthday u had.
may all your dreams come true..

Friday, June 5, 2009


The tears blurred her sight.

"But Jeff..."

"No, Lisa," he interrupted. "That's enough."

Lisa grasped his right hand before he could turn.

"No," he said once more.

"Listen to me, Jeff. You know know I love you." The hot tears begin to spill down her cheeks. "Please."

The young man walked back to her, placing his strong hands on her shoulders. "You love a man who cannot love you."

"Why?" she cried. "Why, Jeff? Why can't you love me?" The tears burst, pouring down her reddening face. "What haven't I given you? I'll do anything! Anything, you hear me? Anything for you!"

She fell into his arms. "Whatever you want, Jeff. Please, just don't let me go."

Jeff held her close and whispered, "What I want is for you to let me go. Let me go, Lisa. I'll do nothing but hurt you." He pushed her away as she hugged herself tight. "Be strong, my sweet."

Lisa closed her eyes. Her heart bruised. Each piece was falling, smashing to the ground.

Jeff kissed her forehead and stepped back. "Don't cry, Lisa. Smile and be strong. I'll always remember you. I promise."

The beautiful woman opened her eyes to see the same handsome face she had loved for all eternity.

"You won't remember me," she whispered. "You'll forget me by tomorrow. By then, I expect some other damsel shall throw herself into your arms. I'll just be part of your forgotten past."

He listened but said nothing.

"I'll always love you, Jeff."

The young man didn't look at her before he turned around and began walking off into the mist. "Goodbye," he said quietly.

Lisa fell to her knees and hugged herself. "So this is what it feels like to be heartbroken." The tears poured once more. "I am...heartbroken."

special for u guys out there who is having heartbroken..!!but dont juz give must go on!!u have to believe that there is someone special out there is waiting for u.